Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sisters, Oregon

Goodpasture Bridge at Leaburg, Oregon
Mary & I left Whittingtons before 9 am and drove east along the McKenzie Highway.  Unlike Monday’s trip, we stayed on the newer McKenzie Highway for our drive to Sisters, Oregon.  The drive was very nice and the weather was much more cooperative than on Monday.  We made a few stops at a covered bridge and state salmon hatchery in Leaburg, Oregon.  The Goodpasture covered bridge in Leaburg was built in 1938 and still carries vehicular and pedestrian traffic today.
There were several scenic overlooks and view points along the highway but the fog was heavy and didn’t allow much in the way of views.  We were hoping to see some of the snow covered mountains in the Cascades but we could only catch glimpses through openings in the clouds.
Sahalie Falls
A stop at Sahalie Falls was worthwhile.  A walk took us on a short walk to the falls where the falling water and the fog made a thick mist in the canyon.  We took several snapshots until the sun peeked through the clouds and formed a rainbow over the falls.  It was a beautiful place.
Clear Lake forming the headwaters of the McKenzie River
Clear Lake is formed by a spring that makes a beautiful clear blue lake that is popular with locals and visitors alike.  A trail around the lake is a nice walk with a lot of birds and wildlife.  Where the spring forms this lake is the head of the McKenzie River.
We stopped for lunch at the McDonalds in Sisters, Oregon.  According to Cindy the town has really changed in the past few years.  When they lived here in the 1980s Sisters was a sleepy small town with a very laid back atmosphere.  Today the town has as many Lexus as pickups on the streets and Sotheby’s has a real estate office in the town.
Lava Field along the Old McKenzie Pass
We took the scenic route back from Sisters which was the route we drove on Monday.  Since there was heavy rain the whole time we were on this road, the Old McKenzie Pass, we didn’t get to see as much as we had hoped.  The weather was much better today with no rain.  The fog still limited visibility of the mountain peaks and the air was very cold in the low 30s.  Above 5000 feet there was a good bit of snow on the ground making the lava fields look interesting with the snow covering.  
Mary at the Dee Wright Observatory
We drove to the Dee Wright Observatory that we visited on Monday.  At over 5300 feet, there was a good deal of snow making the steps up to the observatory slick but their lava rock construction made the walking easier.  There wasn’t as much wind but the cold was still intense.  We were happy that we brought jackets and caps.  We walked around the observatory and learned more of the area’s history before getting back in the car for the drive down the mountain.
We stopped a few places to hunt a few geocaches as we drove back to Whittingtons but still got back by 4:30.  We visited with Michael briefly before Mark and Cindy got home.  We had brots, kraut and mac and cheese for dinner. As always, everything was very good.

We plan to do a short trip to Cottage Grove, Oregon on Thursday then come back early to prepare for our early Friday flight back.

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